STANYS is proud to present our
128th Annual Conference
November 3-6, 2023
Syracuse, New York
Syracuse Marriott Downtown & Oncenter Convention Center
Syracuse, New York
Syracuse Marriott Downtown & Oncenter Convention Center
Conference SpeakersDr. David Hu Keynote Speaker
David Amidon Saturday Invited Speaker
The Amoeba Sisters Fellows Speakers
Nick Bulthuis Sunday Invited Speaker
Why Does Your Energy Matter in Implementing the NYSSLS?Join us at the 128th STANYS Annual Conference to find support for science practice, interpreting and implementing the NYS science standards. Sessions are facilitated by recognized instructional innovators who are transitioning the new vision for science education into a reality. CTLE credit is available for attendees if they complete the session attendance forms.
Registration Is Now Open!To register for for the full conference or see the conference pricing, please visit the Conference Registration page. To register for full-day Friday Pre-Conference workshops, please visit the Special Events page.
2023 Conference Sponsors
STANYS would like to thank our corporate sponsors for this year's conference.