Rules and Regulations
Please be sure to review the rules and regulations of participating as an Exhibitor at the Annual Conference. If you have any questions about the rules and regulations or any specifics about booths, please email Betsey Schuhle at [email protected].
Application for Vendor Space
All registration applications must be completed online. The Conference Committee reserves the right to reject applications without prejudice in the best interest of the Conference. Vendor Spaces Each vendor space is provided a one-line booth identification sign (7" x 44"). No exhibit shall be set in a place to obstruct the general view of others. Space within two feet of the front line may not have displays higher than forty-two inches. An electrical connection (20 amps) arranged through STANYS is $80 per 10x10 vendor space. There is no charge for a wireless internet connection in the Exhibit Hall; hard wire connections are not available. Exposed rough work on the side of the exhibits shall be properly covered. Exceptions to these rules may be considered by the management. Special signs, electrical, display labor and booth furnishings will be available; exhibitors will be contacted by the official exhibit company, Great Lakes Events. AV Equipment Rental Please contact the Conference Chairperson at [email protected] for more information. Hotel Reservations All hotel reservations must be made directly through the official Annual Conference hotels: Aloft Hotel Insurance and Liability The Exhibitor's property is shown at their own risk and hazard and neither the Oncenter Convention Center, its representatives, nor STANYS shall assume any responsibility for any losses incurred due to accident, fire, theft, flood, lightning, or any other act of God beyond the control of the Convention Center Management and the Association. All Exhibitors shall assume full liability and shall hold the Oncenter Convention Center and STANYS harmless from all claims arising from any act or omission on the part of the Exhibitor, their employees, or agents. Exhibit Hours
Security Security will be furnished while the Exhibits Hall is open. The Exhibits Hall will be secured at all other times; there will be no access when the Exhibits Hall is closed. The Exhibits Hall can only be entered 30 minutes prior to its opening on Sunday. |
Rates and Contracts
The rental fees depend on the size of the vendor space. Registration to participate as an exhibitor must be completed online. A copy of your application should be kept for your files. Payment in full using a credit card will be done online immediately after your registration is complete. Moving In and Out Exhibits can be set up between 7:00-11:00am on Saturday, November 8. Exhibits must be dismantled Sunday, November 9 between 3:00-7:00pm. Shipping Instructions Because of the lack of storage space and personnel required to handle inventory, the Oncenter Convention Center cannot accept or store shipments or exhibit material in advance of the show, whether shipped by freight, parcel post, or other means. Therefore, it will be necessary for the exhibitors to make arrangements through the official exhibit company to receive material. The Conference trucking firm will store material and then deliver directly to the exhibit booth on setup day at the per hundred weight charge. This, of course, is billed to the exhibitor. Details of this service are included in the Exhibitor Manual sent out approximately 45 days prior to the Conference. For immediate information, exhibitors should contact Great Lakes Events, LLC at 585-458-2200 or [email protected]. Steve Ewald, our representative, can also be reached at 845-857-4630 or [email protected]. Registration Badges will be issued to Exhibitors and their employees in the Exhibit Hall during the Saturday set-up session. For information about special Conference sponsored events, contact at [email protected]. Exhibitors must register for the Annual Conference to attend workshops or other Conference-related events. Acknowledgement of Rules and Regulations The Exhibitors agree to abide by all the general rules and regulations adopted by the Association. Furthermore, the Exhibitor is aware of and agrees to abide by the specific rules of our cancelation policy. Exhibitors are not permitted to run independent workshops or focus groups during regularly scheduled STANYS workshop sessions or other scheduled Conference events without the approval of STANYS. Non-Profit Organizations A reduced rate of $225 for a 10' x 10' vendor space will be offered for Not-for-Profit (501c3) Organizations. In order to take advantage of this reduced rate, documentation of your current 501c3 status will be requested during registration. If an organization selects the reduced rate and proper documentation is not received, the organization will be invoiced for the remainder of the associated cost of the vendor space. The $225 reduced rate is subject to the cancelation policy as well. |